Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform
The world’s largest community of nature-based enterprises working with and for nature.
We are a network, we are a marketplace, we build skills. We raise awareness of the vital role of nature-based enterprises in the nature-positive economy.
Why thousands of users have already joined
Support to deliver nature-based solutions
If you are looking for an expert to help you plan, deliver or maintain a nature-based solution tailored to your needs, check out our database to find a nature based enterprise near you.
Find your tribe
If you are a nature-based enterprise, driven by a mission to work with and for nature, join our community to network with like-minded nature-positive pioneers and secure new business.
Check out some of the success stories below.
Make your voice heard
As the people behind the platform, Horizon Nua is working hard to make politicians, policy makers and funders aware of the vital work nature-based enterprises are doing to effect transformative change.
We also know the challenges you face and are proactively working on your behalf to improve standards, increase investment and secure supports for your business growth in harmony with nature.
Build your knowledge on good NBS practice
Through our industry-led communities, we raise awareness of good practices and emerging technologies. Our communities cover a diverse range of NBS from water management to Smart Tech for NBS. Each community hosts regular webinars, events and continuous professional development (CPD) courses in collaboration with professional industry bodies, Check out the resources section on our platform and join us in a forthcoming event. These events are open to all - city officials, practitioners, students, academics, citizens….
Who should join
Nature-based enterprises - working with and for nature.
Placemakers such as city and local authorities
Community group and organisations
Private citizens
Policy makers
Educators and students
Join the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform today!
“Thanks to the Platform we connected with another NBE, BIOTONOMY, and together with them, we have designed and built the first hydroponic vertical garden system in Malaga, Spain. This system will reuse and treat the greywater of a hotel in the city centre.’’
Gerardo Gonzalez,
“I became a member of a like-minded community of people, people actively wanting to work with nature",
Kimia Witte,
Vertical Forest NBE