Green4C Summer School

As part of the first Green4C Summer School on Green Care Entrepreneurship, Horizon Nua was invited to deliver a workshop to course participants on business planning for nature-based enterprises.  The summer school, held at the University of Padua in Italy, attracted course participants from across the globe with ideas for green care business ranging from social farming in Africa, to forest bathing in India, sustainable tourism in Guatemala to social agriculture with the homeless in Dublin. 

With a wide and varied mix of entrepreneurial ideas, Isobel guided the 20+ participants through an interactive brainstorming, idea generating day where each entrepreneur created a framework and was armed with the required tools to develop their individual business plan.

The workshop Business Planning Workshop - A Road Map to Sustainability covered the following topics:

  • Vision, Mission and Theory of Change

  • Leadership Team

  • Finances

  • Measurement and Evaluation

  • Scaling for Growth

  • Other Business Plan Considerations and Addon’s


Feedback included:


Isobel was incredible to share with you and it is seen that you are an expert on the subject. We have nature-based solutions and social innovation in common and I will be delighted if we continue to work together for health, well-being and social inclusion.”

 - Florencia De Los Santos, Course participant


“Thank you so much Isobel for your contribution to the School, it was a truly inspiring seminar! We hope we will have the chance to meet again and learn more from you in the future”. 

 Green4C summer school convenor


Working with innovators to help realise their business ideas is a core service provided by Horizon Nua. If we can help you support nature-based enterprises and innovators in your project, reach out to us now.  Programmes can be tailored to participant needs.


Why do we need a Nature Positive Economy?